"We give dogs love we can spare, time we can spare and room we can spare.
In return, dogs give us their all.
It's the best deal man has ever made."
Mary Focklam

Sunday, 25 December 2011

..Merry Christmas everyone....






Monday, 19 December 2011

...and time for rest....

what a year, really crammed full of ever-so-exciting and ever-so-fed-up, what a mixture, a real roller coaster.... to end the year we had Dig It Dogs Christmas show, I knew it would be really good fun for both Jette and Flynn and I wasn't wrong, dolled up with tinsel and silliness I also entered Flynn in anysize....enough said!! He's just nowhere near ready, I didn't realise just how far away from ready he really is, showed no semblance of anything remotely like agility really, he had a fab time, the jumping wasn't too bad but the agility just had too many wonderful obstacles in it and he couldn't decide which one to go on first lol!!! Time to take a step back. To be fair to the lad he queued really well so can get a prize for best queuer, and also he didn't bog-off in the ring so a prize for that too and there weren't too many poles down...but I did run him on small lol!!!
Handsome he may be...but also mad as a hatter too so no shows for him...sorry Flynn, maybe next year (or the year after!!) :-)

Jette rocketed in with a 1st in the jumping, lovely run, fabulous feeling, she just opened up and went!!! 2nd in the pairs and 3rd in the agility, what a girl!!! She does love her runs....!

To finish the year we had 121s with Lucy O, I'd booked time off work to make sure we got there but then heard a dog had the squits, we were with this other dog at the weekend so did the decent thing and backed out of the training, what with Lucy going to Olympia with Ben and all.... so that was a really damp squib, Jette knew we were going and was on her toes all day...poor girlie... :(

Willow old-but-wise-one kept me on my toes by having her face swell up alarmingly like a flippin' football!!! Luckily I'd only worked half a day so rushed her to the vet who operated the same afternoon, abscess from a dodgy tooth root to blame, I wouldn't have known, there was no smell and these things come on really quickly so I was lucky to get her in....phew!!!! All home and recovering well though, Willow babes don't do that!!! She's had loads of extra cuddles and cheese (with antibiotics hidden....!)

So that's all there is to say except....

...and a Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

..and someone's birthday in the mix....

Off we went to Hare N Hounds, love this show, feels like home :-)
Agility run was super fast, 26. something secs but blew the dogwalk contact. Beautiful run though. Lovely startline jump sequence we could do Lucy-O style and it worked fab :-)
Next came the jumping...we were walking it thinking 'what grade is this?' Felt more like a 3/4 than a 1-3, 3 pull throughs, yuk! Still we tried our best and got 2 out of the 3 pull-throughs which then of course, turned into a flick-flack which Jette loves. We gave it our best shot and got 'e' for 'excelled' ha ha!! Next was Docs Agility, again quite a tricky course, we tried our very best again but Jette got fed up with the new spaced weaves (which she hates!) and just pulled up mid weave. Never mind Jette, sorry they've changed them when you've just got so good at them, boo hoo!! :-(
Kirsty and I had a fab walk though with dogs up the muddy fields and Tim did a lovely run for her in the jumping, well done Timster and your big gingerlugs!!
It's always feels nice to be there no matter how the runs go :-)

We had Nat's training session for Flynn, it was great to see the groundwork I'd been doing translated over to the equipment, very pleased indeed with him and just need to teach him how to jump properly :-)

Someone had a birthday....it might have been Jette who is now turned 8, can someone tell her please ha ha!!!!

Then the next day we had Wyre. What a busy couple of weeks!!! I was on my own for this... Mel and Brenda went so I did know someone nice to chat with and, despite the mud and rain, we all had a good day. Jette pulled a lovely 2nd in the jumping, really fab driven run and lots of competition so really, really pleased for her.

As for the agility runs...well what more can I add, the cheeky minx did a super run in Docs....then blasted off the dogwalk next to last obstacle from home. Doc was ready to clap and we both giggled at her...what do you do....she enjoyed her birthday weekend it seems, love you girlie :-)

If you've not seen it, this is 'the look'....

Happy Birthday gorgeous
... xxxx

Monday, 21 November 2011

...training and Wilmslow....

In sheer frustration at not having any training, I'd booked Flynn a 121 at Lucy's, then thought s*d it and booked Jette one too, luckily Mel said she'd share the slots with her dogs so I wasn't running like a headless chicken for 2 hrs. After finding Lucy's venue on a very foggy Sunday morning, we just had the best 2 hrs. Even though Flynn hadn't done anything in weeks, I'd still done his groundwork so he got back into it really quickly, Jette on the other hand couldn't believe her fav person in all the world was actually there and not in Halifax lol!! Both dogs worked well and we got a lot out of the time...I liked the forward thinking for Flynn and have tried it now with both dogs on the rec, it's fun!!!
Flynn very nearly weaved by himself so lots to practice on.
Came away with an old set of channel weaves (don't ask!!) and a split lip thank you, courtesy Jette, who else!!!
On the strength of this, have booked Flynn a Dave Munning pre-comp class next Spring on drive and focus...now that will be interesting too!!

On Saturday it was show day, I knew cos mum had packed the show bag and chopped the sausages the night before. We didn't go that far, just over to Myerscough, I like the canal walk there with Billy-Woof but the arena's a bit noisy. Nice to have an away day anyway :-) First up after a looooooong wait was the Agility, I must have forgotten we were at a show and surprised mum with 2 Aframe contacts, she was ecstatic, it was a really nice smooth run, not much we could have tightened up (except the start sequence....mum we could have done that like in training?)

Then we had another long wait for the next class, well into the afternoon, mum had dosed off by this point and couldn't remember the course from this morning...plus they called my name out for a rosie from this morning (3rd!!!!) mum didn't think we were placed so totally pleasantly surprised. Kirsty went and got my lovely yellow rosie for me, thank you Kirsty!!! So mum was totally off guard when we went in the ring ha ha!!! What delight!!! Dogwalk PING!!!! Aframe PING!!!! Weaves PING!!!!! but I did get my right hand weave entry just to show I could....what a hoot, fab fun :-)

Then into the jumping, I knew mum loved this course but I was feeling very, very norty by now, late in the afternoon, so in my giddiness clipped the first pole and weave entry PING!!!!

Mum just laughed....she's Ok my mum, thinks if she trains me I actually listen ha ha!!! Hare N Hounds next week, what shall I do there....hmmmmm

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

..there's only one thing to possibly say....

...welcome Nyah Mae, you had a little bit of trouble coming into the world but it's a better place already for you being here, Holly-mum and baby doing well and at home now :-)

Sunday, 30 October 2011

rising above it all....

Rising above the domestic mess, it's time things became positive!!!
We got to Lucy O training whoop!!!! What a lovely evening and so nice to see people again. Jette was on tippy-toes when I said she was going Lucy-jumpies lol!! It didn't really matter what exercises we did, it was all good to be back :-)
Trying for the contact training we've been doing with Lucy, I've devised a set-up from the car involving Willow's car ramp, it's a bit crude maybe, but it works, I can run past the car and set Jette off to achieve a nice contact wait whilst and release...can only build on this and see if it works at Hare N Hounds next weekend!!!

Cheeky monkey even waits whilst her pic is taken lol!!!

We had a lovely walk at Langsett, did the full moorland walk with Flynn and Jake plus got Jette swimming in the res, was just like being on holiday and can't believe how near this is to home!! Lovely company, sunny day, came home all refreshed :-)

So to Hare N Hounds....we had a jumping and agility first thing, I knew the jumping judge set tough (for me) courses so got to the show really early so I could walk it over and over...to be honest my heart sank, I was really looking forward to this but I couldn't see it working for us, rear crosses all the way round and so tight I couldn't work out how to get in front of Jette who hates rear crosses with a passion...so very nearly bottled it... the agility was full of contact traps another nemesis, so had to give myself a pep talk, we'd come all this way we should run it and s*d it if we couldn't make it work...
Agility run was first, we were straight in, no waiting, so I thought, I'll just run it like the car ramp training and, blow me, it worked!! All contacts and clear :-) Was feeling better now for the jumping, ran the ABC first as a warm up and ran clear too, then straight in the jumping...first half of the course was OK, managed to get in front of Jette but after the difficult weave entry, ended up in the wrong place and had to run it from behind for a very scary clear, a bit scrappy but Jette worked it and really helped me out, what a good girlie!!!
Results, 2 more 2nd places yeah!!!!

Best bit about the show though was seeing lots of people, so great to catch up with everyone. Kirsty was there too and we had fab walks with the dogs (including Willow!!!) in sunshine, which just made for a perfect day, everyone was smiling and enjoying the show with loads of ace results. Saffs (who had been really poorly and just recovered) stormed in with wins, Julie with Timmy won up as did Ann so there were plenty of good runs to celebrate, one of the nicest shows for ages :-) Bella did Claire really proud with an 8th in the ABC agility, wow how good is that!!!! Pesky kelpies, who needs them go super-labs!!!

I wish I had a camera to get Tim's finish jumps for Kirsty, he was fast, focused and looked amazing :-)

On the home front, Hols baby says she doesn't want to come out yet...but really it could be anytime, how lovely, scary and exciting all mixed up!!!

Monday, 17 October 2011

on tour....!

Last weekend we went on Natalie Mitchell's training day in Cheshire, pre-booked a while ago, we were lucky to get on as Nat had a reserve list of handlers waiting in the wings..
Jette and I loved it and, despite it being quite a long session for us, 2.5 hrs, Jette was really up for it. I knew nearly everyone there too which made for a positive, relaxed, working atmosphere. The exercises were set at an appropriate level with challenges for all of us without being over-faced. Some interesting approaches too, especially liked the reward/startline wait which I've been practising with both dogs ever since. It really increased focus and drive :-) Also a different approach to wing wraps/turns I found easier to understand than some I've tried of late. Good day, hope it's one of many more, would highly recommend to everyone.

Fabulous choice of venue too, Dig It Dogs near Sandbach, easy to get to and great facility! Nice to see Clover and Kirsty in her new posh van too!!

Then, driving home, I cut across to Dove Stones again... weather was very foggy and damp but the dogs didn't seem to mind and enjoyed their walks and play.

What a difference some sunshine makes!!
I could hear Jette snorting under the bedroom door, this normally signals breakfast lol!! Then, squinting, opening eyes, saw the weather, we got sunshine!!!! All day!!! I'd booked hydrotherapy so made plans to drive on from the pool at Luddenden to Hardcastle Crags instead of coming home. Wow what a lovely day, dogs enjoyed themselves hugely and what a fantastic place to visit, Gibson Mill is just such a picture lying at the foot of the steep valley, really atmospheric!

Coming home I stopped off to stretch the dogs legs before bedtime and also to try and get Flynn weaving. I've had use of some stick in weaves from a friend, which will have to go back to her, so wanted to utilise them as much as possible over the weekend. Building on what we'd started to work on at the club, just 10 mins each time both days.... just trying to stop Flynn jumping them instead of weaving through. He did well, seems to be getting it and this time I've removed the toy so he's not going forward haphazardly, it seems to help him think through the movement more, so yeah!! Progress!!

Sunday, another lovely day so off we went to Cannon Hall for ball games and fun. Returning laden with recreational bones from the farm shop for a leisurely doggy Sunday evening, we stopped off again for weave practice and, lo and behold, it seems to be working and Flynn actually went through 6 weaves by himself. Well pleased we've not over worked this obstacle, so he can learn to understand it. Result!!!

What a lovely weekend!! Jette has Lucy O training Tuesday, she'll really enjoy that I know, not sure if we'll have access to these sessions anymore now we're not training with the club at the moment, but maybe we can go on the reserve list if not, Jette soooooo loves her Auntie Lucy!!

We've still not got any regular training in place, which isn't good for Flynn especially, but I'm hope something will crop up for him eventually and, in the meantime, hey, touring is great! (especially when the sun shines.....) :-)

Thursday, 6 October 2011

...the best laid plans of mice and men....

Isn't it funny, you're just carrying on with everything in life and all of a sudden, overnight, it gets hugely crap....!

Well life is what happens in between....

So along with my OH of 30 years dumping me, housesitting for a friend where there's nowhere to walk dogs....all of a sudden I've lost my agility training slots. It's no-one's fault, just down to club restructuring but there you go, lost! So instead of my lovely Wednesday evenings training with chums, going to shows and camping with mates, I can't afford the new fees/class structure, we'll have to find something else to do, poor Jette's jumpies, poor Flynn's ever-so-nearly weavies!!!
All that work gone...and we were just telling everyone how good the club/training was and how everyone was really enjoying it...ho hum!

Well I've training sessions with Nat and Lucy for Jette, and Jette's got a couple of shows booked too, but Flynny-bobs won't have anything to do so will have to look at new things for him....bummer! It would be hard to place him successfully at another club, most don't 'get' ABC dogs, which was where this club excelled and why Jette responded so well.

I've pulled both Jette and Flynn out of shows booked next year. He was coming-to-play-out for the very first time at NAWS, but can't do agility on a stop start basis 'cos of his elbows, he either does it weekly or not at all as he could easily pick up an injury if his elbow joint doesn't stay conditioned.

Brenda soothsayer remarked I wouldn't be bringing Flynn out till he's 7 and then I'll say he's too old....as it turns out she may well be right!

We will keep ourselves entertained, we'll go on weekend beach trips, forest walks, something all the dogs can manage (including Willow who's doing very well on her new tablets) all of which we'll enjoy and all of which is very nice, but it's just not agility...

So here we are for the first time on tour at Dove Stones

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Hare N Hounds & asides....

Well as promised it was Jette's last outdoor Agility run. The weather was kind for a change, no mud, only a tiny bit of rain and we were 8th in the ring. True to form Jette missed the dogwalk and the a-frame but got super weave entry and ran the course really well so I came away relieved it was her next to last Agility run and we were working well together. At the top of the exercise field, with Flynn and his toy, it came over the tannoy the course had been changed and we had a re-run so dashed back to collect Jette, luckily still warmed up and straight back in the ring. Blow me she got her contacts (although my god did I have to work her to get them lol) and she ended up 2nd in the class, whoop only 200th sec of winning into Grade 3, wow that was close!!!

After that we had a lovely jumping run with the same result, 2nd again with 200ths secs off the win. I was so well chuffed for her, there were a couple of very fast collie runs I was sure we wouldn't get near, but, just goes to show what a few tight turns can do for the time. Good girl Jette!!!

After that it went a bit t**s up, I got us e'd in the other jumping and in the last class of the day, agility, Jette ran true to form, straight back on the dogwalk for an 'e' for excellent!!! lol!!!

Brenda ran her medium ABC final really well, very smooth, Doc kindly judged, I took notes of the runs for Brenda whilst it was running to help her base her finals report. There were some stunning runs, won by Amanda Hampson and fab to watch.

What's been great about this summer season is seeing everyone again, a lot of friends have got new dogs coming up, not only are they starting out, they are doing really well!!! Pickle is getting placed in Grade 3 which is just awesome, Finn was fab at DD last weekend and she's only just started, couldn't believe that!! Claire has new pooooopppieeee Honey who is just divine and can't wait for cuddles, and Bella is bloomin' Grade 5!! Belle for Helen just got an agility 2nd today, wow! And Mr Ginger Lugs can do some fantastic stuff for Kirsty when he gets his ears in the right direction :-) Sorry if I've left anyone out but just so many good dogs this year. Bryn is going up the places for Brenda, which is great, they deserve it and are a really good solid partnership waiting for good things to happen, which they will I'm sure....and Harriet got a Rosie for Jan, all these dogs doing soooo well!!!

It's so nice to see people and just pick up from where you left off having not seen them for ages, agility is like that, common bond, lovely hobby and just wait, Flynn will be playing out next year so get looking for re-inforced agility equipment :-)

...and as for the Pimms, Plum Wine, Real Ale and giggles....

Here's to winter shows, training and hot chocolate, yum!! :-)

Jette says: It's been fun!! :-)

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

..september and autumnal beginnings...

not posted for a while, been busy just with 'stuff' you know the sort. We went to UKA at Dig It, a first for us, lovely venue and club, knew a few people there from other shows but a new crowd really. Jette did well, 3rd in jumping (plonker mum nearly pulled her off a jump) 1st and 2nd in the Steeplechase, wow!!! It was the Steeplechase I took her for, a really fast blast round with enough handling to catch people out, she won the harder of the 2 courses so was soooo pleased with her.

Then, the rain came, Wigan cancelled, Easington cancelled, managed to get to Dilly Dogz, not a bad day really, unplaced clear in the jumping and going a little slow so, finally, I've decided Jette is going to do just 2 runs next year, both jumping. She'll be turning 8 soon and, although she's had a wonderful year, the agility ring isn't a place for an older lab lady, so I'm going to let her wind down over the coming 12 months and (don't tell her!) lead her gently into veterans, I'll miss her runs but you just can't keep on indefinitely (even if she thinks she can!) So Hare N Hounds this weekend will be her last Agility class outdoors. Indoors she'll fare better on a more supportive surface I hope.

Wills hasn't been well....culminating in a vet's visit. We've changed her steroids over and hopefully it'll give her a bit longer, that bloomin' arthritis, she's worn her legs out. Can't have her in pain though and she does seem to be responding being happier in herself, so hope she's with me a while longer, love her to bits!!

Operation moving house will be starting soon, wonder if I'll find everything ever again!

Jette: I've told you Mum I'm not doing contacts!! lol!!!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

...seaside agility and the show no-one wanted to go to....

"I could tell it was holiday time, all the camping stuff came out and the car was packed up and off we went, for miles and miles, when we were a few miles off mum said, it's OK nearly there, and I could tell it was sooooo exciting!! Willow told me she could see the sea over Morecambe Bay so I knew it would be fish 'n chips on the beach, which it was, and I got bits lol!!

Setting up the camping was a bit tough for mum, the wind and rain never stopped and the tent nearly blew away, but eventually our house and garden were built. Kirsty arrived in the worst of it and mum never heard her come...sorry Kirsty mum says....she was going to help you :(

First run of the day (once Willow had stopped being so giddy being at the seaside,honestly those old 'uns!!) was a lovely big open jumping course by Nigel Long, mum likes his jumping courses, and I just whizzed round, whizz, whizz, whizz!!! And we won it getting one of those lovely West Lakes trophies, mum was ever-so-proud of me :-) After that of course it didn't matter and both of us made a few mistakes, picked up a couple of other places too but on faults, one mine, one mum's (she knocked a jump over, na-na-ne-na-na!!!)

We got some lovely walks on the beach but Wills got beaten up by a boxer on the beach and mum was a bit worried for her as she was being sick, so she packed us all up and headed home to make Wills comfy in her own bed. After a couple of days she was back to her old self, maybe she swallowed some seawater and sand when she was rolled over.

Next it was the show no-one else wanted to go to, we camped with Helen,Belle and Skip, again the weather was awful to set up but got better as the weekend went on. I got a lovely jumping 2nd and another 2nd but insisted contacts were for wimps and only managed one in each course. Mum and the judges laughed when she jumped up and down and called me a numptie lol for missing my weave entrance so, to prove them both wrong, I did it perfect second time around ha ha!!!!

Flynn got to play with Belle who was a star for Helen and got sooo many places with Skip too, I can't remember them all, bloomin' loads!! Wills was much better this weekend and really loved sitting round the rings watching and telling them they were all doing it wrong lol!!! It was our last camping trip of the year although we're moving houses a lot this winter so we can pretend we're camping there too.

It was a lovely show, we did special boxed pairs with Skip and got 6th!!! Roll on next year's camping but please can we get a tent that doesn't leak next time?"

How lovely was the show no-one wanted to go to :-)

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

...summer days and evening pimms :)

Well it's been a while, summer days are whizzing past and before you know it, it's August and Autumn is already waiting in the wings...
We all went and camped at Weardale champ show, lovely venue, great people and company, Jette did her 'try and knobble mum' impression all weekend, so came home with a bitten arm and a split lip for getting in her way on a course....gosh she takes no prisoners lol!! Lovely show but a bit geared up for the upper grades I thought and, despite a lovely evening with Pimms and friends, it might not be on my list for next year, very little for Flynn to come out to play on...
Flynn's had lots of playmates over the weekends, little Clover and Miss Belle have really enjoyed running round with him, although he has to learn to be extra gentle with pups :-)

Next we had Scunny, the weather had turned and the Summer rain poured down, managed to dry up for the afternoon, we managed an unbitten 2nd in the Jumping but Jette was still too giddy so the rest of the runs were spent trying to regain a little control...!! We did get some lovely cake with friends though, lots of friendly faces there so really enjoyed it...mmmmmmm yumscious!

...onwards to Hare N Hounds and BINGO! (despite being a very muddy agility-fest) I managed to get Jette to go on the contacts quite calmly and we came home with not one but 2 x Agility 4ths and a Jumping 3rd so well pleased!!!! I messed up in the other jumping run, not being able to run over to the other side of the tunnel so norty mum for that one!!! Really good show, helped out on the rings and people were lovely despite being so muddy, just gotta love HnH :-)

Flynn's training is really coming on, I just love working with him now, we seem to be more of a team and he is showing he wants to work and learn clever boy Flynn >3

...West Lakes is next this weekend, one of my fav shows, Willow and Flynn on the beach and Fish N Chips with Jette sat out on the front, Kirsty is bringing Plum Wine and I've got Crabbies and Pear Cider yippeeee! o :)

Most of all I'm really pleased friends and dogs are doing soooo well this year, Claire and Bella have gone whizzing up to Grade 4!!!! Go the gundogs!!! Helen and Belle are a win waiting to happen and Tim is doing some nice ginger bits for Kirsty :-) Good news Spike will be Ok to return from injury, Mel was really worried he'd be out for good.
Time is precious with our dogs, enjoy it every day while we can xxxx

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

....at it again!

Jette says:
"I just love these jumpies and have decided that, to celebrate, I'm never doing any contacts again ever ha ha!! I'm going to let my mum think I'm going to get them and then, right at the last toe-nearly-on-zone moment, I'm going to jump wildly off them with gay abandon!! :)
So, at Otley in the rain I had to go a bit steady and make my toes go on them, they really hurt your toes you know, think it's the yellow paint!! So we got a couple of clears and then zoomy-zoom jumpies and got 2nd yeah!!!!! Gosh did it rain.... mum ring partied for Brenda on the Saturday when it was lovely and sunny but, come Sunday the heavens opened :( still we got cake :)
Mum's mate Kirsty managed to get to the SuperDarl finals with Maisie which is a tremendous achievement!! Well done you two!!! The 'boy-dog' got to play with Belle and Clover, despite the mud and great wetness ha!!!!
Then it was Barnard Castle, I didn't think we'd get there because the alarm thingy didn't go off and mum got the wrong map out and nearly went up to Stanhope!!! Anyway we arrived in the downpour.....:( We very nearly packed up and came home but mum said, look the sun's coming out, so we stopped to play. I did my sneaky contacts run perfectly, not a contact in sight all day yippeeeee!! Then really pulled the speed out for the jumpies again and got 4th against some very fast dogs indeed, I really enjoyed it and so did mum. Went home chewing pig's ears :)
Kirsty and Mary stayed on and got wetter and wetter and wetter, whilst Tim managed some very good finishes in and amongst snogging the judges and playing kissy-kissy. Maisie got a clear round, Mary with Corrie got placed in the veterans and Todd pulled out a 4th!!! so we all went home happy :)
We got Lucy training so I got to practice my contacts for Lucy...."

"Well I suppose I'll have to say it, Happy Birthday 'big-boy' now you're 2"!! :) '

Sunday, 26 June 2011

My Mum says....

"well mum's not stopped smiling at me all week, don't know what I've done but heard AW(B) mentioned a lot... I know I did well at Newton Heath cos I got rosies and 2 pigs ears, one was a 2nd in jumping, I love my jumpies, the other was for a very wobbly agility run where I kept my mum on her toes stopping me jumping off my contacts and doing a comedy run lol!!!
Mum says I've done everything she ever wanted us to do together and the rest of the summer's going to be a blast, well I've news for her, it was already going to be anyway ha ha!! Just for a treat I got Lucy training on Tuesday, I do contacts for Lucy just to wind my mum up lol!!! Also did lovely jumpies on Weds, I loves my jumpies.
We've just had another cuddle in the field, a bit hot in the sun but hey ho, a cuddles a cuddle, here's to many more!!'

PS mum said Bella's gone into Grade 3....hope we're not going there!

Monday, 13 June 2011

...in Clover!

We've not been around the blog much of late, 'family stuff' going on at home, like it does and it's obviously at the back of my mind all the time, so not giving Jette my best...this of course means she can be very giddy and get the better of me lol!!
Nice runs at the weekend at N Derbs, if a bit on the soggy side, we got marked for 'contact' when Jette jumped up at me and just pinged a dogwalk contact in the agility on otherwise nice runs so pleased with those. Then of course the heavens really opened and we got soaked so we all came home early.

High Peaks the other weekend was just a comedy outing for Jette who decided to try and get on the dogwalk as many times in a course as she could (help!)

Got to meet Kirsty's new puppy Clover who is just divine and gives ace cuddles, looks like she's lived at Kirsty's forever already :D Plus Helen baked, wow....yummmmmm 'nuff said!! Other mates are doing very well indeed and having a lot of success, Claire and Bella are having a brilliant run of very well deserved rosies :) Belle is really coming on for Helen and Maisie has got Grade 3 places so well chuffed for everyone! Lou's little norty white dog is winning up too so it seems 2011 is a good year already xxxx

Pic courtesy of Kirsty Horne, Willow and Jette at Otley 2009

Saturday, 30 April 2011

....cor blimey!!

Well all that training really paid off...we had a fabulous long weekend away with Hare N Hounds at Duncombe Park, lots of sunshine, great friends, lots of giggles in a magnificent, awesome setting and.... Jette finally got her agility win taking us into Grade 2!! I'm so pleased for her, she's missed it so many times but convincingly she also came home with a Jumping 2nd, an Agility 3rd and 2 Jumping 4ths, all on tricky courses with plenty of competition, so she's storming into Grade 2 with cheeky girlie attitude lol!

It was a great show all round, I think everyone did really well, the pairs class with Wendy set us up for the Saturday as I got out first cross-behind in the weaves and that gave us the confidence to really go for it, strange as on the Friday I'd not wanted to run really after work had fill my head with 'stuff'. Just goes to show what a giggle can do :)

Helen and I also got a little mini-tour of the big-house from a guide who really knew her stuff and loved being asked questions, a shame the son-in-residence- will be stopping these tours of the house, what a shame, the guides are gutted! We also had fish 'n chips in celebration of Jettes win, all the locals had something to stare at as we sat in the square with all the dogs ha ha!! Although I got to look after Lou's Baddlie-child-eating-dog as we queued, never again ha ha!!

Flynn wasn't keen on the midnight beastie stalking our camping pitch.... poor big boy lol!!

Anyway here it is, with Jette in the water, where she loves it best....

Saturday, 16 April 2011

...back in training!

..well it's been a while since the last post and we've been busy, very busy, training and training. Both Flynn and Jette are doing well with White Rose and with Lucy (Auntie) Osborne and Jette is training outdoors with Kate at Pingy.

I'm pleased with Flynn who's using his back end down the contacts, all that foundation work is really paying off and, although his jumping is a little erratic, he is starting to get the hang of it and can do a simple circle of obstacles accurately and with drive. It's a long way to go but a lot of positives to build on so I'm really pleased.

Jette loves her training and is really going great guns, asking her to do a lot of work way out of her comfort zone and she tackles it now without taking her bat and ball home if she doesn't understand. Lucy asking for independent contacts is a pipe dream worth working towards :)

While she's acing her runs at training, it's not transferring to show runs yet, we went to Hare N Hounds and she had some lovely runs, last pole down with hesitation in the jumping cost us the class and a missed Aframe contact cost us the Agility, but you can see it's there and coming together. Coming away with a 3rd, a 5th and a clear in the ABC 1-7 jumping, I can tell it's just waiting to happen and I hope so for her, she's a great character and deserves to have a win.

Others are doing ace too, Claire and Bella got a lovely win, Kirsty and Maisie with Tim have moved up to Grade 3 so it's all systems go, Belle is doing well for Helen too. Here's to Hare N Hounds next weekend, really looking forward to it and hope we get there, car has passed it's MOT so it's fingers firmly crossed :)

On the domestic front the bathroom is still ongoing and Willow had her 11th birthday, happy birthday Willow gorgeous babe!

Who let the bath out????

Oooh that looks a bit nice :)

Everyone in the gang say Many Happy Returns Willow xxxx

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

...enough's enough....

Mum, Friday:
Going to get tailgate guard altered and new tyres on car for tomorrow's HnH, really excited!!! Get to Milnsbridge and bugger me the tailgate won't open!! Totally jammed so race round to tyre man (they have a garage) to see if he can open it. He just bangs on the boot lid and of course it opens, silly me why did I not know that lol!!! So he manages to put 2 spanking new tyres on so it looks fab, race back round to fabricators for the tailgate, get measured up. USe brain quickly and zoomy-zoom to Honley garage who point me in the direction of another workshop, very nice man has a quick look, says he can fix it Monday, but in the meantime shows me the manual keyhole that was hiding all along. Bouyed up in the knowledge I could open the door we were still on for HnH.
Billy Woofs and Jette's sausages chopped it's an early night....

Jette Saturday:
I'm asleep on the hall floor outside the bedroom and yipppeeeeeee the extra early alarm is going which means we're going jumpies!!!!! Mum's got the show bag out, I can smell pig's ears, this is fab I'm soooo excited!! Running zoomy-zoom up to car...mum puts key in..nothing happens, boot won't open.
She tries again....I'm really excited now, come on mum I want to go jumpies...mum you're crying, don't cry I'll behave....I'll be ever-so-good....why are we going back in the house?

Mum Saturday: So that was HnH....all that excitement for nothing again, boot will not open and can't risk travelling with no access to spare wheel... so I've come to the decision we're not doing any more shows, this happens too often, if it's not the car it's something else, I thought with a new car we'd be fine but I've had enough, it's bad enough for me to be disappointed but worse still to see Jette.

We've had a giggle, some good runs and we've some ace mates but it's time to say enough's enough....no more.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

...the state-of-play....!

Well it was a mammoth journey to pick the new car up, 5am start, a bus, four trains and a bit of a walk, then a 120mile drive back, fairly typical agility day really without the runs ha ha!! All the train connections worked and car drove well so a bit of a result :-) Jette waited all day by the back door, she thought I'd gone to a show without her...ahhh Jette, as if I would!

Returned home to total bathroom chaos as OH had meanwhile decided to re-plumb all the pipes himself, eyesight not being what it used to be, the soldering didn't go according to plan and there was water..everywhere....hmmmm! All these pipes going sssssss! Work is, shall we say, on-going? ha ha!

Old car has been MOT'd and sold, sad to see it go, have lovely memories of going places with dogs but it needs someone more car savvy to own it and look after it in it's senior years, bye bye old-one...

Training is going really very well with Jette, she is so up for it, tail never stops wagging, amazing! Lovely drive over the contact obstacles, fast and focused but she's so driving ahead I've lost her now as we don't have the foundation work in place to handle the courses and she's making her own decisions...this year will be interesting to say the least and we will have sooo much fun being 'e'd'!! ha ha!!
Can't wait for next Lucy O training session too, Flynn is coming as well so don't know how he'll get on... a wait might help...!!

I've noticed people setting goals for the year ahead, but I'm not making any, last year I would have loved Jette to have got her Agility win but it never happened, instead I'd like to remember she got a 1st and 2nd in Jumping and a lovely 3rd in Agility with lots of other places too and some super 'if-only' runs, nice to remember what we did achieve and not what we didn't:-)

Hare n Hounds next weekend with Kirsty and Helen, can't wait sooooo excited!! Please don't let me fall again and really 'do' the wrist, it's so muddy walking the dogs, like an ice-rink, sliding everywhere....

..and 'ickle Wills had a lovely day at work with me on Friday all snuggled up under the desk on my feet, bliss!!!

...bye-bye old car, it was fun!


Sunday, 23 January 2011

...who chucked that up there!!!

2011 is off to a great start!
We've been doing lots and lots of extra training, both with guest trainers at Pingy and Kate, also extra sessions in Halifax at White Rose with Jette and Flynn is starting to come on really well too, slowly but surely, with Brenda, Wendy and Janice.
Jette is really enjoying the racey style of training, she's so focused and driven, she was squealing to get into the weaves last week, really smiling and going forward, lovely to see. Training at the moment is so enjoyable I hope it tranfers over to shows and my nerves don't get so much in the way.
Flynn actually shaped through the tyre, he doesn't hold his back legs like Jette, and attempts to bascule rather than bank the obstacle so that's something positive to work with and build on, good boy Flynn!!!
Also great news on the car front, a new dogmobile has been located and bought so that's such fantastic news after a long search.

Meanwhile at Cannon Hall this weekend, who threw Flynn's agility toy in the tree.....!!!

...it wasn't me!!!

...not me either!!

...ooooh not me mate, I think it was her!!

Sunday, 9 January 2011

....to Wilmslow and back...again!

Flynn would like to say he's getting all growed up now....

Jette: well I ate something I shouldn't have so mum was a bit concerned over taking me for a day out to Wilmslow show on Saturday, but she needn't have been worried as I had an absolute ball!!! wow did I have fun, positively zooooooomed around, got my contacts and got my weaves, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom!!!! Mum said something about the timer not working so we had to do it again, still had fun but I got very giddy in the weaves as well so not as good a run as the first...although I thought it was bloomin' stonkin'!!! In the jumping I was extra wizzy and wizzed over that left jump not this left jump but after that really really wizzed hoooooray!!!
I want to let Mawgan know the contacts don't burn if they are painted yellow!!

Mum took the 'boy' Flynn training on Wednesday and said he was good, I got my own day training at Pingy outside on Saturday and that was good as well, so good start all round :-)

Mum: What was extra nice though was to meet up with chums, Kirsty and Maisie had lovely runs and a place, Gill found a 'running contact' ha ha and we finally met up with Mary with the gorgeous Breeze who is just beeeeeautiful!! Jette had a walk down the canal with Billy too which was peaceful and lovely.

We've had awful weather again, the lane was snowed over and even the gritter got stuck. another car crashed into the corner (again!!) and the post lady had to reverse her van all the way back up the lane so she could get out as the gritter man had blocked the road, total chaos!!