"We give dogs love we can spare, time we can spare and room we can spare.
In return, dogs give us their all.
It's the best deal man has ever made."
Mary Focklam

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

...enough's enough....

Mum, Friday:
Going to get tailgate guard altered and new tyres on car for tomorrow's HnH, really excited!!! Get to Milnsbridge and bugger me the tailgate won't open!! Totally jammed so race round to tyre man (they have a garage) to see if he can open it. He just bangs on the boot lid and of course it opens, silly me why did I not know that lol!!! So he manages to put 2 spanking new tyres on so it looks fab, race back round to fabricators for the tailgate, get measured up. USe brain quickly and zoomy-zoom to Honley garage who point me in the direction of another workshop, very nice man has a quick look, says he can fix it Monday, but in the meantime shows me the manual keyhole that was hiding all along. Bouyed up in the knowledge I could open the door we were still on for HnH.
Billy Woofs and Jette's sausages chopped it's an early night....

Jette Saturday:
I'm asleep on the hall floor outside the bedroom and yipppeeeeeee the extra early alarm is going which means we're going jumpies!!!!! Mum's got the show bag out, I can smell pig's ears, this is fab I'm soooo excited!! Running zoomy-zoom up to car...mum puts key in..nothing happens, boot won't open.
She tries again....I'm really excited now, come on mum I want to go jumpies...mum you're crying, don't cry I'll behave....I'll be ever-so-good....why are we going back in the house?

Mum Saturday: So that was HnH....all that excitement for nothing again, boot will not open and can't risk travelling with no access to spare wheel... so I've come to the decision we're not doing any more shows, this happens too often, if it's not the car it's something else, I thought with a new car we'd be fine but I've had enough, it's bad enough for me to be disappointed but worse still to see Jette.

We've had a giggle, some good runs and we've some ace mates but it's time to say enough's enough....no more.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

...the state-of-play....!

Well it was a mammoth journey to pick the new car up, 5am start, a bus, four trains and a bit of a walk, then a 120mile drive back, fairly typical agility day really without the runs ha ha!! All the train connections worked and car drove well so a bit of a result :-) Jette waited all day by the back door, she thought I'd gone to a show without her...ahhh Jette, as if I would!

Returned home to total bathroom chaos as OH had meanwhile decided to re-plumb all the pipes himself, eyesight not being what it used to be, the soldering didn't go according to plan and there was water..everywhere....hmmmm! All these pipes going sssssss! Work is, shall we say, on-going? ha ha!

Old car has been MOT'd and sold, sad to see it go, have lovely memories of going places with dogs but it needs someone more car savvy to own it and look after it in it's senior years, bye bye old-one...

Training is going really very well with Jette, she is so up for it, tail never stops wagging, amazing! Lovely drive over the contact obstacles, fast and focused but she's so driving ahead I've lost her now as we don't have the foundation work in place to handle the courses and she's making her own decisions...this year will be interesting to say the least and we will have sooo much fun being 'e'd'!! ha ha!!
Can't wait for next Lucy O training session too, Flynn is coming as well so don't know how he'll get on... a wait might help...!!

I've noticed people setting goals for the year ahead, but I'm not making any, last year I would have loved Jette to have got her Agility win but it never happened, instead I'd like to remember she got a 1st and 2nd in Jumping and a lovely 3rd in Agility with lots of other places too and some super 'if-only' runs, nice to remember what we did achieve and not what we didn't:-)

Hare n Hounds next weekend with Kirsty and Helen, can't wait sooooo excited!! Please don't let me fall again and really 'do' the wrist, it's so muddy walking the dogs, like an ice-rink, sliding everywhere....

..and 'ickle Wills had a lovely day at work with me on Friday all snuggled up under the desk on my feet, bliss!!!

...bye-bye old car, it was fun!
