"We give dogs love we can spare, time we can spare and room we can spare.
In return, dogs give us their all.
It's the best deal man has ever made."
Mary Focklam

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Wilmslow and back...norty, norty car!!!

Mum: Saturday I took Jette with Flynn to Wilmslow. we've been to the venue before and I thought it would be good for Flynn to walk around, lots going on, farriers, motor sports with skid turns, plus the arenas to get used to. He was a very good boy all day and had a lovely fling around the exercise area, carefully play-bowing to invite other dogs to play with him showing a lot of respect to the other dogs, well done Flynny-bobs :-)
No-one to walk the course with and have a giggle, Kirsty is having a corporate weekend induction for work and the other chums were walking different rings, really missed having a laugh!!
Jette wouldn't settle all day, the arenas are very noisy and Jette just had her ears back, looking stressed. The runs weren't great, 1st agility I was late with a command and she sailed onto the next jump, 2nd agility was Mike Brook judging so I was nervous as he used to train us. Jette got her contacts but we had a non-weaving day and she missed the entrance first time on all the runs, she normally loves her weavies...Mike said he'd seen us do much better...
Then we had a 5.5hr wait until the jumping, spent the time walking round and keeping dogs warm but it was a very long wait all the same. Thought Jette would enjoy her jumping, she let me do a rear cross yeah!! Again the weaves were a problem and she ran by on the wrong side, so unlike her. Never mind hopes she enjoys her next runs, that's what matters.
On the way home the newly mended car with re-built gearbox really came into it's own and started to make the most horrendous noise so limped home more than a bit deflated. Power steering box now lies in tatters in the garden so will miss the Lucy Osborne training session on Tuesday....gutted!! I've been so looking forward to it!!!
Come on Jette girlie, you love your jumpie-jumps, come and have a cuddle :)

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Flynn: well thank goodness I saw sense and went to the vet at the weekend and got rid of those pesky stitches!! I realised that in order for them to stop annoying me and get rid of the buster collar, I needed to be a very good boy for my mum and not mind going through the smelly door...across the scary floor and let Kim-vet-nurse ever so gently take my stitches out. I was ever so brave I'll tell you, I didn't bark or anything :)
Mum was really pleased and gave me some goats ribs to chomp on for a huuuuge treat.
All done now, ready for freedom but feeling a little bit lightheaded I have ever so cunningly designed my own buster DIY collar, it works just as well and makes mum double up laughing....

Jette: Saturday we went to a new Agility Club called Pingy in Sheffield to train with Alistair Bray. Kate kindly said mum could come even though we aren't members. First I had to do a start wait...I hate start waits but thought, you know, new club and all that, better behave, so I did that, then some lovely fiddly jumping ending with ace weaves. Alistair said I was a good dog, whoop, whoop!! So then we had to do rear crosses, I hate rear crosses so said 'no thanks' and got sent to practice by ourselves doing one jump exercises till I got the hang of it. Contacts were extremely pingy ha ha, the best I could possibly ping!!! Then we played Power and Speed which I loved and just to show it I let my mum do some rear crosses...hope we go again, it's ace!!!

Willow: I got to snuggle up all weekend and got my own special walk in the park today, this involves me jumping on my mums back and getting a biscuit...I've trained my mum ever so well ha ha!!!!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

...and what a time of it!!

mum: well what a great time we've been having! Flynn possibly wouldn't agree after losing his wobbliness but he enjoyed last week as I was home to look after him and he loved the extra company, was a very different dog to the one who normally pogos at me when I get home. Got lovely Flynn cuddles too :-) down side was I painted 3 ceilings....
Jette has been on fine form of late, she's really loving her jumping and positively dragging me to the rings (then dragging me back to the car after for pigs ear!!)
After her jumping win at H&H we managed 2nd in Combined 1/2 Agility at HATS on Sunday which was another super-fab result, just a shame I had to shout so much to get her contacts, not a handling style I'm particularly proud of, nor one I like to see in others either...so gobby was I people could hear me the other end of the arena ha ha!!
This weekend we're trying the Alistair Bray training day at Pingy Agility in Sheffield so I'm hoping I can pick up some tips for the contacts, don't want to be shouting....
I hear Alistair uses an Aframe stride regulator so will be very interested to see if we can get Jette adjusting her down stride.
...watch this space!!

It's been so nice to have some good company at shows as well and others are having equally fab results!! Tim managed 3rd in Agility at H&H!!!!! Whoop, whoop!!!!
HRH Maisie came away with her usual clutch of placed rosies too and both dogs did well at HATS.
Sara and Tilly got 2nd in Jumping, Helen S got 3rd and 4th plus a jumping place and Helen J's new girl 'Legs' Belle won the Jumping at Delinquent Dogz so everyone seems to be finishing the year with some fantastic results (despite bonfire night and the dreaded fireworks). So well done to everyone :-) In the higher grades Wendy and Brenda have had some good runs as well and Suzanne must need a trophy cabinet now for Millie's anysize wins this year ha ha!!! Need to look out for shows for Claire with Bella as they've only got NAWS down for the winter.

Flynn can start relaxing, his stitches are coming out on Friday paws all crossed, it's been a long 10 days of lead walks for him but will take him somewhere nice for a hoolie :-)

Pic courtesy of Action Replay Photography

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

...Flynn's wibbly-wobbleness....

Flynn: well I've heard it said many times but I knew when I had no food in my bowl this morning that something was a foot, or a wobble....
Jette came with me and mum put some yukky smelly stuff on my nose so I couldn't smell I was going to the vet, as if she thinks that will work HA!!! This nice lady called Kim who was strangely dressed all in green came and took me for a walk from the car and then led me gently inside another door. Hope I won't be in here long, want mum to come and get me soon coz they can't give me any treats and I'm hungry. I'm a big boy, can't do without my food....
Think I'll be coming home without my wibbly-wobbles....

...and I was right :(